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Sunday, October 17, 2010

feel vy emo..in lately....HAIZZZ

今天第一天搬来SUBANG CASA 。。刚忙完了扫地抹地。。和收拾好我东西。。也许是因为刚很不开心很不爽。。在和他聊了后我就开始弄这些东西。。弄了四小时。。现在感觉是很累。。但心情是超不好的。。自己也不知做么,就因为他刚一点都不会在乎是的。。还是~~~我自己太过在意他给我的反应。。



现在都五点多了。。不知做么。。我很累但却不敢睡,脑海还一直想到刚哪声音。。加上又只是我一个人在这吧~~~嗯!!算了。。去UPLOAD 哪天帮他们庆祝生日的PIC 算了。。等早上才睡吧!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


今天在SUNWAY的FRIDAY帮COLLEGE 朋友REN HONG。。吃完东西后去看了CAT AND DOG 着部戏。。。。嘿嘿。。这部戏一点都不好看的。。闷~~~~哈哈哈

看完戏后,就去MIDVALLEY 买明天和小学朋友去看戏 RESIDEN EVIL。。的戏票。。。hahah ..但在还没上到去买票时,我尽然在哪迷失路。。哈哈哈。。。

7点多回到家,冲了个凉就对这电脑弄CARMEN的VIDEO。。。但弄不到一下就出去和小学朋友喝茶。。。嘿嘿。。说是喝茶但其实是弄好那VIDEO而已。。。。但最后还是弄好了~~~0(n_n)0 .....


 :( 。◕‿◕。  累~~~

现在是凌晨2点多,觉得很累了。。但还想把哪VIDEO弄好。。。可是还有JACK,E HIN AND KEN 还没给我他们的祝福语。。。。有点担心不知能不能在今晚弄好,因为不知今晚几点才回到芙蓉,刚国健还说今晚要拿PENDRIVE那些给我~~~不知赶到没!!!嗨~~~这星期因该是要开始读书的,可是我却~~~到处去。。。哈哈哈~~~这星期后不能再这样了。。。。一定要好好读书~!~~~要不然就残了.....

累~~~一下十点要去SUNWAY 帮REN HONG 庆祝生日。。但我现在却还没睡。。。明明是很累的,但不知做么还是没什么想睡!!!!: ( :(


Sunday, September 5, 2010

ღCarmen birthday~~~4/9/2010

昨晚本来想写的,但我UPLOAD 照片到整早上六点。。所以就没写。。嘿嘿

昨晚我们帮CARMEN 去PD sunshine bay BBQ庆祝她的生日~~~

我们7点多那样就从芙蓉出发,但到达sunshine 却是9点多。。。哈哈,因为我们走错了路,本来一小时那样就能到达的,可是我们却用了两个多小时。。。哈哈哈~~虽然,浪费了时间但昨晚我们还玩得蛮疯的。。。全部的人都吃得饱饱得~~差不多每个人都很了点红酒。。可是我喝了后整个脸红红的。。。嘻嘻~~~我们在哪大该到12点多,回到芙蓉都不到一点。。噢~~忘了,应该说我坐的那辆车罢了!!因为高贤他飞170所以他只是用10至15 分钟就回到芙蓉,坐他车感觉蛮像坐包车是的!!!回到后,我们就去TAROT CAFE 喝茶,等其他的人。。。过后我们谈了下星期五10/9/2010。。提早帮ESTHER 和国健庆祝生日。。。我们打算下星期去midvalley 帮她庆祝。。。如美什么问题的话我们会在哪看戏,吃东西。。然后去shah alam I-CITY 。。。XD......

^^ 很期待下星期四,五,六。。。因为星期四在sunway 帮 ren hong 庆祝生日~~星期五在MIDVALLEY帮ESTHER 和国健庆祝生日~~~星期六就是和璇"n"慧去TIMES SQUARE shopping~~~lolxxx.......

不写了,哈哈哈。。现在该去做我的FA2 功课,因为明天早上8.30AM 有课!!要快做完它,然后早早oi oi ........hehe....但如还早,应该会EDIT 昨晚的照片~~~希望可以在这几天弄好~~~

Friday, September 3, 2010



在我睡觉到一半时,我听到电话响,拿了电话看,原来我我有14 个未接电话。。和24 封信息。。。。电话和信息大多数是他(t)打来的。。我没在那时把信息看完,因为那时只是想睡觉,就只是回了他一封我在睡觉那样而已。。。过后就绝续睡了,一直不知到几点,电话响,在看都没看是谁就接了。。起身后看原来是他(f)打来~~

刚才7点回到家,冲了个凉整8点。。然后就和国建和宜兴去TESCO买明天去PD BBq 的东西。。和他们两个男生买东西,感觉他们蛮像AUNTIES的。。。嘿嘿~~

刚开FB 看我的MAIL BoX。。。看到他(t)昨天发给我的信息。。看完后突然觉得,也许他说的对,我和他不知在什么时候变得没话题,为什么会这样,其实我也不知是因为什么原因~~~




Saturday, July 17, 2010

Assignment ~~~~~

Assignment 到今天,我动都还没动。。FA2 。。。COSTING。。。FIANCIAL 全都还没开始做。Haiz ......bother....detestable...

现在只是在赶MATH tutorial 2 因为下星期就要交了。。突然感觉很多的东西,我都还没做的,感觉会怕这学期的成绩。。应该是因为现在已是开学的第7星期了的关系吧。。全部的 Assignment 都要在8月头交的,而我什么都还没做。。。 所以才会开始感觉害怕。。

本来下星期和慧她们约好出去唱K 的,但现在看来我是不能出去了。。。Haiz ....

Next week thursday after class maybe will go see ''ren jian xi ju'' with my college fren..BUT i want see ''INCEPTION'' tis movie ....maybe 2night will go out see..if i done my tutorial only can go see...haizz..bt seem it i also cant done it de...cause hv some question still dun kow hw to do de..need wait 2moro asked he(wt)....haizz...

Monday, June 28, 2010

my ❤ flower =〉紫玫瑰(蓝紫色)


Sunday, June 20, 2010


tis note is my best fren sent to me de...like vy hv meaningful

也许为了顾及家人的意见 ,你们没有在一起。















你心中的这个特别的朋友...? 是谁呢?

really hv like tis de guy de meh??? =.=''''

Saturday, June 19, 2010

gathering with my dear fren

lolx...today vy happy go out with xuan,hui..and yee....XD...we go t-one and juscoS2..

and me with hui and xuan decide wait me and hui tis sem holiday we go KL play.XD.and vy happy cause xuan dun hv forgot we in from 4 concerted de thing..HHAHA...vy expect tat day .....bt nw need study more hard 1st...

some of the pic take with my lovely fren

Sunday, June 6, 2010

+.+Lazy day

Feel vy lazy on today.....XD...
2day actually want see the FA2..bt when take it out le ,jiu dun hv mood see le..

2day morning i sms he( L) tell his..he mum yesterday hv sms me...
ask me about me with is wat happen le...
and some more i vy angry one thing...he in afternoon sms lai call me dun write
many thing in FB ...then i ask him..i write wat in FB..then he say he hear
his fren say i say in FB say i need everyday came back like vy cham..
haizz....when i hv write tis want..and he also say me write in FB say he dun want
gv me live in there de..wat oh..damnable ..
he say is he fren ask he and tell his de...
i thinks nt need say i also know tat blabber guy is who....
vy detest like tis de ppl ...
see ppl in FB write wat ...then dun know wat jiu go say many or ask many..
if u vy like to ask,then y dun straightaway came and asked me
ask in-front he for wat...then make he thinks i like he on FB
then came chide me.....haizz....hateful..

2day..my mum call me go gv a call to the rent room ppl...asked he when free
then faster go see the room...cause she say me like tis everyday
take KTM like tis cant de...
cause me jz two weeks...also bring about me sick le..
so,i jz call my he..then he say he tis week Tuesday jiu yao outstate le..
so he call me 2moro 12.30pm ..if can then go see the room on tat time
so...i say with mum le...she say then 2moro faster go see
if ok..then jiu pay the money...hope 2moro all the thing
also ok....god bless me...XD
And my mum say with me..if i move to KL le..then she will
dun want stay at s'ban le...she will consider move to other places....haizzz..then she tell me dun let my daddy..if daddy asked me then i want hw to ans..haizz...

Friday, June 4, 2010

toilsome day

2day .morning go out rain..then night came back also rain...damanble...

2day 11something jiu arrived college le..me go library doing the business math revision and do the exercise ...do finished le..bt dun know is rite or wrong...vy blurry ....and today de FA2 i straightway dun understand ...haizz...2moro need see back tat note le...
after finished doing math..nothing doing...jz sleep awhile in library...

tis pic is when doing math..take de..hehe..

tis 2 is when finished doing math,b4 sleep take de....

tis is me woke up in 2.15pm take de...hehe..see my eye...
nt same b4 sleep..

sigh..2day 5.30pm only finished class..then go take bas wait until around 6pm only hv bas...inside bas hv many ppl ..vy congestion...until 7 o'clock only arrived mid valley cause traffic-jam...haizz..in tat moment me is vy toilsome de..cause feel dizzy and head vy ache...

then in train also is like tis ...vy congestion...stand until arrived s'ban..in bas also like tat...until nw my leg feel vy pain and tired...haizz....2day is vy toilsome...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

haizz...sick le....damnable

...2day morning woke up feel vy nt well,keep sneeze.. snooty and throat ache...like tat jz ok...

bt when in costing class suddenly feel head vy ache and dizzy...in tat time i jz think is will like tat is because the lecturer too fast make me feel confuse then only will like tis de...bt when take train going back..i feel vy dizzy and head vy ache..keep snooty..haiz....

jz nw consider want see tat谈情说案 ep6 'n' 7 bt nw dun know y....vy blurry...haizz..vy hate like nw.. keep sneeze ...snooty...head feel vy heavy...dizzy.and throat pain...izzit me is really get sick again???...dun sick la....i dun want take medicine hate eat pill.....haizz....i need go sleep le.if let mum see me like tis sure will ask me y de....haizzzzzz....cant let mum know it..if nt sure let she chide..haizzz

Monday, May 31, 2010

i thinks me is crazy jor...XD

2day i close my phone whole day ..haha..jz because dun want let him Keep sms lai or call me..dun know he still keep find me is for wat...but hv something i dun know y de..he already hv two day dun find me le de....bt dun know y he 2day will find me back...haizz...make me feel bother...

jz nw i reply see tat raymon lam tat movie....wohooo..he is vy leng zai..love him..vy expectant Ep6..bt need wait 2moro only can see.. 談情說案 de theme song ""Until You Can't Find Me (直到你不找我)"" is vy nice song..hahha..i love in tis movie and song le...crazy ..wohoo..

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jz nw in Tudou see movie....see my idol ''Raymond lam(林峰)" ...de new movie ''谈情说案''... lolxx....vy like tis movie.....nice nice nice....vy expectant Ep6.....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

: ( 感觉很不舒服

今天睡觉睡到12pm ,起身就觉得喉咙痛。
sigh... feel vy dizzy..and my left neck dun know what happen....vy ache.....haizz..

haizz...go sleep early...

Friday, May 28, 2010

✘ • • jz nw go out with my fren • • • •✘

jz nw kee call me out for yam cha at juscoS2 ...with simon ...we 3 person hv chat alot of thing...the most topic is about the love....i vy agree wat (kee) say de...cause he say he nw also dun hv consider to hv gf..cause he aslo will feel relantionship is vy boredom..cause if hv gf/bf sure will hv many problem like will quarrel and dun hv freedom...go where aslo need tell she/he...is vy irk...bt simon is nt thinks like tis ...cause nw he still in honeymoon period..so all the thing he also feel vy sweet de....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

₪▶『2day also is a tired day』◁₪◕‿-

≧ω≦ 2day 10.30am i arrived college..then i go library to re-do my costting note and question...he( t.n.w.t) tech me doing costting...dun know y,when he teach me i feel vy easy to know it...feel vy simples..heheh..i think me sot le....in tat time he hv ask me about me yesterday in bas stop want say with he de thing...then i say with he le..bt i can feel it he feel vy surprised...after then we also going to class le...lolxx...

i arrived home 5pm something..then i eat le ''pan mee'' ,on awhile fb then around 7o'clock then i going to sleep until 11pm my mum call me i only woke up...cause vy jedad...hehe..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

4th sem starting..


到MIDVELLAY 是7.15AM 。。。我下了火车,站在中间,不知要走left or right。。突然感觉有点害怕,然后我就拿了电话打了给T.N.W.T 问他是在哪里搭BAS 了后。。我就照他所说的,就到了BAS STOP 。。在哪等时,心情还是忐忑不安的。。也许是人深地不熟吧!! 就会哪样吧!! 在哪时我有股冲动想打给他,可是到最后我都是没打到给他。。在哪是时我发觉自己很依赖他。。不知是为什么会这样。。也许是他很帮我,只要我开心或不开心还是什么。。他都会是在我身边的吧!!

到了学校朋友都问我做么没和ML 一起来,我就只是说没在他那住了而已。。但过后BT 有问我,我有和他说原因。。。他就真的没去学校,但在我上完课后,他SMS来叫我过去收拾我的东西。。然后我就叫CH载我过去。。去到哪,他一直问我做么不要在哪住?? 还说了很多。。其实我在哪时有想要答应他在回那住。。可是在我要答应他时。。我突然想到VINCENT说的话然后就没说了。。

i vy dislike ppl do the thing dun hv ask my permit ,jz do the thing as he like...he (ch) is the person is do wat he want...he say he realize me ..bt i dun thinks so..he jz do the thing wat he like it...u know u do like tis jz will make me allergy u??? i dun know u know u say u realize it me is mean wat??? izit like tis also mean u realize me??? i can tell u ..u're wrong de...cuase me vy allergy ppl do the thing jz like u thinks i will like it,bt actually me is vy rebel....

haizzz...dun say today de thing le...

dun know 今天起的改变,对我是好还是坏??我自己也不知。。也许是有好和也有坏的吧!! 好的就是我开始学会了很多东西,开始真真的面对我所有的事。。。坏的就是xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...我也不知是什们。。。嗯,很累了!! 今天要早睡,因为很累了。。加上明天要早起。。